How it works?

There are two types of subscription on Tip4Serv

Subscription without auto-renewal

If you only use Paypal V1 integration or if you select the EXPIRE AFTER option in the product editor, then subscriptions are not auto-renewed.

Customer must manually pay for subscription expiration date to be extended.

If the expiration date is exceeded, the expiration actions you configured will be executed.

Recurring subscription

If you are using Stripe or Paypal V2, then your subscribers will be automatically charged each cycle.

Example: If the customer subscribes on January 15 and you have configured the cycle for 1 month, then it will be debited on January 15, then February 15, then March 15, etc.

What happens if a recurring payment fails?

If the payment fails, it is retried 5 days later. If it fails again, then the subscription is canceled and the expiration commands are executed.

What happens if the customer unsubscribes?

If the customer cancels his subscription, the expiration actions you have configured in the product editor will be executed at the end of the current cycle.

Example for a subscription with a 1-month cycle: the customer subscribes on January 15 and then cancels his subscription, expiry commands will be executed on February 15.

Last updated