How we charge
Tip4Serv takes a percentage of your earnings, but the exact process varies depending on the payment provider.
Last updated
Tip4Serv takes a percentage of your earnings, but the exact process varies depending on the payment provider.
Last updated
When a customer buys a product in your store, you will receive vast majority of your payments directly in your Paypal account (free of charge).
The system will calculate when to collect the 5% fees (or 3.8% for the PRO plan), by cashing a full payment corresponding to the due amount on the Tip4Serv Paypal account.
Only when the payment is inferior or equal to the due amount.
In the example above, the store owner collected 8 payments for a total of 145€ on his Paypal account.
Then a 5€ transaction took place on November 11th, the system automatically collected it to partly pay the 5%. (5% of 145€ = 7,25€)
It will then requires another tiny transaction to complete the 7,25€ fees, namely €2.25 etc...
Conclusion: Tip4Serv collects some transactions to pay the 5% commission. Sometimes the buyer will pay on your Paypal address and sometimes he will pay on Tip4Serv's Paypal.
This system is temporary and will be simplified in the near future, and intended to work as Stripe does.